Welcome to RaceRatings.com.au

Yesterday's Highlights

MT 7 - Big Swoop $8.80 (Rated 1)
SUN 7 - Keep Safe $3.40 (Rated 1)
HOB 6 - Ozturk $2.50 (Rated 1)
TAR 8 - Nyali Sands $3.50 (Rated 2)

123 Over the years many things have changed in the racing industry and to stay ahead of the game we must always adapt and change. With that in mind our new service will provide punters with a distinct advantage, get the best price more often than not. Most punters bet on race day without realising "you are in many cases taking the worst price". With corporate bookmakers becoming more competitive the need to provide opening markets earlier has become a rich vein of opportunities. For midweek racing prices can be found up to 2 days before race day, for Saturday racing from late Wednesday evening and certainly Thursday morning many have provided markets. This is the key, an opportunity to get the "over the odds" and we will give you the best options by providing our new "early ratings" service to allow our clients to take advantage of the early odds.

Whether you are a professional punter or just like the occasional bet, our service will greatly improve your chances of winning!!

Getting the "value" is always the critical factor, how to identify the value is the million dollar question.

The Ratings are created by the designers of the incredible "Professional Punters Form Analysis" software developed by racing enthusiasts with decades of experience with our Senior Form Analyst "keen eye for detail" coming to the fore.

Applying extensive analysis tools in conjunction with Trackwork and Trial reports many value runners are identified, obviously they do not all win but the new enhanced options and the ability to "Bet at the open of markets" gives punters a distinct edge to get a result.

Extensive analysis of past races has identified a niche area when looking for value runners and with that in mind Race Ratings will provide better priced runners and winners.

Over many years punters have looked for volume of races rather than quality and value, this is a natural progression that all punters must endure as they gain experience and we at Race Ratings are no different, we have evolved and developed since the inception of Race Ratings more than 10 years ago to the point we have now arrived at in 2018. To win at this game requires great discipline and courage to only bet where the value is in your favour, hold your control during losing runs which all of us will go through at some point.

With the availability of data, video replays, trial and trackwork reports the overload of information can be overwhelming for many, at Race Ratings we embrace all this information to produce our new value ratings service.

We isolate the best betting races with depth to give all clients the opportunity to get a winning result.

We believe our ratings will prove so popular that we are making subscription very affordable! See our price table below:

  1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months
Saturdays Only $49.00 $135.00 $235.00 $400.00
Weekends (Saturdays & Sundays) $59.50 $165.00 $305.00 $540.00
Every Day $80.00 $220.00 $400.00 $740.00

Click here to sign up, It's FREE. Payments can be made later once you have decided which subscription option suits your requirements.